Training and development

Workshop on Social Cognitive Training for School Aged Children in Mainstream School (Course Code: HKOTA-O-08-24-0019)

Date :
20 July 2024

Time :
9:00 am to 12:00 noon

Venue :
九龍觀塘成業街 7 號寧晉中心 17 樓 A 室

Participants :
Occupational Therapists

Details :
Poster of Social Cognitive Training for School Aged Children in Mainstream School24-0019

Enrollment Status :

Occupational Therapy Strategies for Students with Diverse Needs and Handwriting Evaluation and Assessment Workshop (Course Code: HKOTA-O-08-24-0017)

Date :
15th June, 2024 (Saturday) 

Time :
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Venue :
C Y Sun Lecture Theatre (LT-3), the University Concourse, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building (Lift 9, 4/F), City University of Hong Kong

Participants :
Occupational therapists who work in pediatric field

Details :
HKOTA poster Workshop Occupational Therapy Strategies for Handwriting 24-0017

Enrollment Status :

Evening Seminar on Clinical Reasoning on the Primary Root of Challenging Behaviors: Sensory vs Survival (Course Code: HKOTA-O-08-18-0041)

Date :
20 February 2019 (Wednesday)

Time :
7p.m. to 9p.m.

Venue :
ST523, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Participants :
Occupational Therapists, priority to OTs with less than 3 years of work experience in Sensory Processing/Sensory Integration

Details :
Poster of Evening Seminar on  Clinical Reasoning on the Primary Root of Challenging BS VS Survival  18-0041

Enrollment Status :

Updates on services for SEN in Mainstream Education – Canadian and Hong Kong experiences (Workshop) (Course Code: HKOTA-0-08-18-0034)

Date :
10 November 2018 (Saturday)

Time :
2:00pm to 4:30pm

Venue :
GH012, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 

Participants :
Occupational Therapists in Pediatrics

Details :
Poster of Updates on svc for SEN in Mainstream Education Canadian HK experiences (Workshop)18-0034 V.1

Enrollment Status :

Public Seminar on Mindful Parenting (Course Code: HKOTA-O-08-18-0029)

Date :
1 December 2018 (Saturday)

Time :
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Venue :
N002, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Participants :
Parents, Child and youth workers (teachers, social workers, therapists……)

Details :
Application form of Public Seminar on Mindful Parenting 18-0029

Enrollment Status :